Fuchsia – Riccartonii 5 litres

Fuchsia are so worth having, they are problem free and flower continuously for months… We only stock the hardies; Mrs. Popple, Riccartonii and finally the magnificent Fuchsia Magellanica Molinae with very pale pink slender flowers which grows in Cornwall as a hedge.

Obviously, from the view of a pollinator they are great, providing food for a long season.  Here in Kent we NEVER prune our fuchsia before springtime when we can see that the fuchsia is producing new shoots, either from old wood or from the base.  Sometimes out winters can prove to be extremely cold and even though she does not have leaves at this time and is safely asleep the harsh frosts can penetrate the growth point of the plant, so still having branches attached helps to keep the central crown protected.  Fuchsia do enjoy the sun but are fine in semi shade too. I remember one year seeing that each flower of one of my “old ladies” had a neat hole at its base – those Lazy Bees with tongues too short to reach the nectar simply bit through the base of the flower rather than go without – Ingenious!


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