Lysimachia – Cletheroides Gooseneck Loosestrife 2 litre
Also called Gooseneck Loosestrife – Pure White flowers on a tall and vigorous plant. It has narrow, oval pointed leaves mid green above and paler green on the underside. Forming large clumps a very easy plant to have it grows to 3 feet.
I used to have one particular border that would be a bit of a problem area had it not been for this species. There were cattle shed foundations here, and it is nearly always wet and soggy even in drought. And this is where I grew my Lysimachia collection. Lysimachia are commonly called Loosestrife. They are tough and hardy and thrive endlessly in these conditions. They will also perform perfectly well in sunnier, dryer spots but may be a little smaller perhaps. I grow 4 varieties to share with you.