Unusual & interesting plants to eat: Salsify/ Tragopogon

Donna talks about Tragopogon, or Salsify, a plant that has been growing at Enchanted Gardens for years. It is very quirky and pretty with lots of visits from our pollinators (hermaphrodite). It was first grown in Europe in the 16th century for its delicious Tap Root. You can harvest and blanch, puree, or roast it and the young roots can be grated as in salads – there are lots of ways to cook it and we are so pleased that it is making a “comeback” with lots of people looking for new and interesting plants to eat. The roots are said to taste mildly of Oysters. www.enchantedgardenskent.co.uk/product/salsify-tragopogon. The second plant discussed is Cerinthe Glabra tenuiflora – an annual summer plant full of nectar and very valued by all of the bee species. At Enchanted Gardens we sell only the more popular

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