Knautia Macedonica (macedonian scabious) 3 litre pot

A lovely long-blooming perennial for any well-drained sunny area, forms a huge mound of light green leaves outlined in creamy-white.

This perennial doesn’t like being in a pot as it grows so very strongly that it keeps trying to escape, so we potted it on to a 3 litre pot and are trying to keep them contained- it grows to be an enormous bee filled cushion! if a gardener was only allowed to have one plant to feed the pollinators – THIS IS IT!

Tall and branching, wiry stems bear hundreds of small, reddish-purple pincushion flowers throughout the early summer and into the Autumn. It will appreciate some staking.

If the plants have drainage in winter they will live for many years.

Self-sown seedlings often appear and can be easily moved to a new location while still small.

Cut back late Autumn or leave to the early Spring if you can, as it will be used as habitat and shelter by nature.

This has the very familiar frilly scabious head so its a dead cert the bees & butterflies will love it and they do.


4 in stock